April 15 -18, 2024 | Cosmopolitan Las Vegas


Allan Barnes

Allan Barnes

Tribal Domicile Commissioner | Delaware Tribe of Indians

Allan R. Barnes became the Tribal Domicile Commissioner for the Delaware Tribe ofIndians in 2018. Acting in a regulatory capacity, he and the staff of Tribal Support Servicesprovide the F&I Industry a more streamlined and efficient approach for the formation ofAllied Reinsurance Companies (ARCs) throughout the United States and offshore. Prior tohis appointment as Commissioner, Allan served the Tribe in an administrative/coordinatorcapacity for several departments since 2013, ultimately overseeing daily operations asTribal Operations Manager. Before becoming a Tribal employee, he was an Independent Property & Casualty Insurance Agent which spanned a 22-year career. He attended andreceived his initial insurance accreditation from the Commercial Union Assurance Companies located at One Beacon Street in Boston, MA. Allan is a Delaware Tribe of Indians tribal member. As is all the Tribe, he is proud of his tribal heritage and tribalrecords show that his Great Grandfather was a Delaware interpreter for the DawesCommission in the early 1900s. In 2019 he received the AARP Native American Elder Honors award. 

Session Archive

Panel Discussion: The Expansion of Reinsurance Domiciles

September 1, 2021
9:05 AM - 10:00 AM (PT)

This segment of expert panelists will appear to tout the highlights of their program and inform the agent body at large of the opportunities available offshore, onshore and a variety of tribal offerings. More Info